Banners and Random Pics


Made by hologramGal

Made by RoseArcadia

Parachute Outtakes Banner

"Leave Out All The Rest" ~ JackPOV Outtake for Fandom for Preemies

"In The End" ~ Victoria POV Outtake for Fandom Against Domestic Violence
Made by Tkegl

"In My Daughter's Eyes" ~ Charlie POV Outtake for FGB: Autism Speaks

Made by FerlaV

Made by Kristina

Made by 

Made by @lmayumi 

OC ~ small


  1. i love a story where there's pics that come with it!!! thank you so much for giving us readers the images that you see... LOVE IT!!!!

  2. I just read your entire story and am in love with it!! I cannot wait for the next update! Brilliant job!

  3. there are no words to express the way this story has made its way into my heart.

    thank you. until the next update, happy writing.

  4. The Cullen's House are my favorite. Maybe 'cause I have a thing for interior design... But I was wondering who you were envisioning as the she-devil bitch known as Victoria?

  5. I'm really loving this story and all the pictures

  6. this is as close to perfect as a story can be its so hard to wait a week for the next chapter

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Wow I love the beauty of the Cullen's home. I am in awe of your story and look forward to reading more and seeing more pictures. I love all your characters, They are just how I expected them to look. I can't wait for your next update!!!

    ~Jennifer ☺

  9. Waiting for fridays, just love to see more pics, banners defo sell a story along with the introduction but your story is so well written, how many chapters now and no smutt! To hold on to a reader like you do is rare in ff. I hate to have to wait but his story is so worth it.
    Thank you for taking the time to share with us as I know it takes a lot of your time to write and we realy appreciate a great story.

  10. ahhh, yea! Thanks for adding the twiFic banner!!

  11. This has become one of my favourite fanfictions! I love this story!!

  12. These banners are Much better than mine... I love your story I hope there is a Part 2 in the works

  13. This is such a great story! Thank you for sharing it.

  14. I was so easy to fall in love with Jack, its so wonderful that he is finally getting both his parents,I hold my breath each week praying that no one comes between them while they are falling in love with each other

  15. I love your story it was so heart warming and made me cry. I'm happy that James & Victoria got what they deserved because they were evil cold hearted monsters. I'm so happy Edward showed up on her BDay and proposed. Awesome I can't wait for ch36 OMG Love it!!!
